Song : Jesus conquered the world and gave us victory
Victory (2x)
1 Corinthians 15:55
” O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?”
On the evening of this Tuesday (3 days ago), I was busy compiling the list of my graduating students in the School of Disciples (SOD), unaware that one of them had already graduated to join the cloud of witnesses and be with the Lord.
I won’t pretend—it was a great shock when I received the news of her passing. I was compelled to drop everything I was doing. Questions began to race through my mind, but before I could utter any, the Spirit of God quickly reminded me that the Lord is unquestionable . I would have wanted to know why it had to be now, especially when she was preparing for SOD graduation. And why the prayers offered for her healing weren’t answered…., and God closed my mouth. Hmmm… I decided to lean on the powerful message that Daddy G.O (Pastor E A. Adeboye) taught us in the School of Disciples to always use the greatest weapon in time like this: IT IS WELL!. We submit to your will oh Lord. Yes IT’S WELL! Christ gave us VICTORY over the sting of death.
Yet throughout the day at the office, memories of my dear disciple, Josephine Mary Ogbidikhe, kept flooding my mind, even as I tried to suppress my thoughts. I found myself repeatedly looking at her picture, and before I knew it, I had posted it on the school’s platform status. As a Christian, I knew I wasn’t devastated, but it deeply felt like someone very dear had left us, never to be seen again on this side of eternity. Josephine Mary is now with the Lord, waiting for the day when victorious disciples will join her. She came here, she fought a good fight, she finished her course and kept the faith (2 Timothy 4:7). Actually in the School of Disciples of Christ here, she finished her course and performed creditably well before passing on, like a river flowing away and graduating onto Glory. I pray we will all fulfill the number of our days in Jesus’ name before leaving this stage.
Glory be to God. At the close of work yesterday on my way home, God gave me this word to share with you: Jesus has conquered the world, including the last enemy—death with it’s sting. Physical death can no longer hold any true child of God in the grave. The sting of death is gone forever, and no Christian will partake in the second death making the sting of the first and the second death of no effect. JESUS, our Captain and the Bridegroom of the Church gave us the VICTORY and we will NEVER be separated from Him eternally.
I extend my condolences to the body of Christ and especially to the family members of our beloved sister. May the Lord carry all of us through and bring us to the finish line. Let us take comfort in knowing that Sister Mary is forever free from the sting of death and is now at rest and sleeping.
1 Thessalonians 4:13
“But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope.”
Sleep on, beloved Disciple Josephine . We love you, but the Lord loves you more. Continue to rest in the bosom of our Lord Jesus Christ till we meet again.
Finally, to all the friends of our dear sister Mary, SOD students of 2024/25 and the church: The church is marching on, and the gates of hell will not prevail. As we are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses, including Sister Josephine, let us lay aside every weight and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with patience the race set before us (Hebrews 12:1).
We will all finish well and strong in Jesus’ name.
Pst. Joshua Afolabi
Coordinator, the School of Disciples, RCCG,OGUN 3